Category Archives: Mental Health News

Social Media & Mental Health: Know When It’s Time to Unplug

Social media is omnipresent and fundamental in shaping the lives of youth today. Platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube have accelerated over the past few years, taking over the social media scene and capturing the attention of society all over the world. It’s provided an outlet for people of all ages to form and strengthen … Continue reading Social Media & Mental Health: Know When It’s Time to Unplug

Why Mental Health at Home Affects the Workplace

  This post is based off of the following article: If you’re at work and have a child who is not well or in crisis it impacts your ability to be totally productive. Writes Gale King, executive vice president and chief administrative officer for Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. As much as we try to, we cannot … Continue reading Why Mental Health at Home Affects the Workplace